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Female doctors available

  • 84+ Years of Experience
  • 70+ Patients consulted Daily
  • 1,50,000+ Happy Patients cured globally
  • 100% Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment


With several lifestyle disorders on the rise, the most common one being observed nowadays is PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disease. To cope up with the same, we bring to you effective Ayurvedic PCOD treatments that can help you recover and heal in a side-effect free manner. We offer a holistic approach to eliminating the disease.

Our treatment fosters ways to get rid of PCOD/PCOS and the morbidities it causes, using medicinal herbs and oils. Ayurvedic medicines and oils used in our treatment are produced in-house to ensure quality checks and measures. We believe in providing effective PCOD problem treatments that are research-oriented and result-oriented with a focus on prevention, cure, and wellness. The Ayurvedic herbs for PCOS focus on treating the issues with minimal to no side effects.



PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disease affects women's ovaries as they produce partially immature or immature eggs that ultimately lead to the formation of cysts in the female reproductive structure. As a result of this phenomenon, ovaries become enlarged and start producing male hormones in excess, which leads to certain hormonal alterations in the body.

It is generally advised to look for natural PCOS treatment and consult one of the best PCOD doctors to receive an authentic and effective treatment.


PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and is caused by a metabolic disorder. The hormonal imbalance leads to irregular ovulation, abnormal hair growth, and irregular menstrual periods. PCOS natural treatment requires certain lifestyle changes and major preventive strategies.

What are the causes of PCOD and PCOS?

Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD focuses on the source of origin of imbalances and works accordingly.

  • The primary factor for development of PCOD is excess insulin production that leads to more androgen secretion in the body that causes ovulation issues. Excess production leads to the development of acne and hirsutism as well.
  • PCOS also results in low-grade inflammation that increases androgen levels and might cause heart problems or blockage of blood vessels.
  • Another factor can be genetics that leads to inheriting the condition.

Treatment for polycystic ovaries focuses on the root cause of the diseases and disorders that lead to their development. The diagnosis is done and then the course of treatment is determined.

Signs and Symptoms

Usually, both the conditions exhibit similar symptoms that Ayurvedic professionals look for to identify the disease. Often, the symptoms can be observed during the first menstrual cycle by a female.

  • Weight gain
  • Irregular and heavy menstruation
  • Absence of menstruation
  • Facial and body hair growth
  • Skin darkening in the groin, neck, and under the breasts
  • Hair loss (hair thinning)
  • Acne

What complications could arise?

PCOS is a severe form of PCOD and a metabolic disorder that causes anovulation,that is, ovaries stop releasing eggs. PCOS poses serious health threats like:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Endometrial cancer

Certain complications can be faced when the PCOD issue is not addressed like:

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Preterm labour
  • Depression
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • sleep apnea

Diagnosis methods

The PCOS gynaecologist will perform several tests to analyze the symptoms.

Pelvic Examination

Pelvic examination is performed by the doctor that involves checking the reproductive organs physically for any abnormal growth, masses, or other issues.

Blood Samples

Blood samples are taken to know about the hormone levels in the body. The HDL, LDL, triglyceride levels, and glucose tolerance tests are performed.

Imaging tests

Imaging tests like ultrasound are performed to detect cysts, if any, and check the uterus lining and the ovaries' size. PCOD specialists doctor perform it and check for malfunctioning if any.

How does Ayurveda cure PCOS and PCOD?

Ayurveda works with the vision of providing a healthy and stress-free life to people. It uses natural and medicinal herbs to treat diseases. It helps you find a natural cure for PCOS.

Ayurvedic herbs and supplements

For PCOS, certain spices like ashwagandha and turmeric are used with increased yoga and breathing exercises. In the case of PCOD, Ayurveda uses therapies to ensure cyst dissolution. Gandhari and Varuna are major herbs that promote ovulation and cyst dissolution.

Dietary and lifestyle modifications

Ayurveda proves to be curative as well as preventive. Also, it helps to build up the metabolism and keep the gynaecological disorders away. A good Ayurvedic diet and major lifestyle changes can help in dealing with it effectively. PCOS can be cured and the condition can be made better.

Yoga and meditation

Several Yoga asanas can have a positive effect on reproductive health. It is crucial to handle this problem at the psychological level because stress originates in the mind and gradually manifests its effects in the body as well. Meditation can help with this.

Dr. Puneet (BAMS)

Having a vast experience of Ayurveda and its holistic approaches, Dr. Puneet and his team of Ayurvedic physicians are dedicated to customizing treatments for various diseases, including PCOD/PCOS. He holds a BAMS degree from a renowned university in India and is on the path to helping the globe with his skills and expertise. His clinic research and R & D trials have allowed him to impact the patient's lives differently. Currently, he has achieved a benchmark of treating over 1,50,000 people successfully with his Ayurvedic expertise for a wide spectrum of diseases. And there is no doubt he has successfully done so with the only urge to make people aware of Ayurveda and its tremendous healing effects. Due to his valuable contribution to the healthcare industry, he has gained many national and global accolades and recognitions from esteemed entities and organizations.


I was diagnosed with PCOS six months back. Little did I know that it would affect my pregnancy. But thankfully, I met Dr. Puneet and got it treated with the help of Ayurveda.

Kiran Kumar

I was worried about getting pregnant because I had PCOD. One day while surfing the internet, I got to know about Karma Ayurveda and its ayurvedic treatment. I immediately asked for the appointment and began my journey with a holistic approach.


Hi, I am an 18 years old young teen. Three months ago, when my menstrual cycle got disturbed, the doctor suspected me of PCOD. So, I began with allopathic treatment and took medicines. To my bad luck, I started developing complications further. Then I switched to Ayurveda and consulted Karma Ayurveda. Now, I am completely fine.



Karma Ayurveda was established to provide implied and effective healthcare services to humankind across the globe. Since our inception, we have emerged as a pioneer in the health and wellness domain with customised ayurvedic treatment for various diseases. We provide you with the best PCOS ayurvedic treatment aimed at correcting the doshas.

In order to help you manage your symptoms and enhance your general health, we provide natural and holistic treatment alternatives at Karma Ayurveda. PCOS treatment in the ayurvedic realm involves the strategy based on the tenets of Ayurveda, which emphasises the value of achieving harmony between the body, mind, and soul.

Many females have benefited from our Ayurvedic specialists' support in overcoming their PCOS symptoms and enhancing their quality of life. We provide individualised treatment programmes that are catered to your particular requirements because we recognise that every woman's experience with PCOS is distinctive.

Our team of doctors, yoga instructors, dieticians works under one roof, helping you manage PCOD/PCOS and find your PCOS cure. They also work on additional symptoms that may arise and offer solutions like PCOS acne treatment.

  • Natural Ayurvedic Cure
  • Holistic approach
  • Long term relief
  • Patient-eccentric treatment
  • Natural Ayurvedic Cure
  • Holistic approach
  • Long term relief
  • Patient-eccentric treatment

Book an appointment now with our Ayurvedic experts regarding concerns about your menstrual periods or if you're experiencing signs such as hirsutism, acne, and male-pattern baldness.

Our Health Experts

Who will help you every step of your journey.

Dr. Neha Sehrawat

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

Dr. Jyoti

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

Dr. Krutika

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

Dr. Nikhil Diwakar Sharma

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

Dr. Apporva

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

Dr. Monika

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


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